Message From John

“I believe art should be unique. It should make a statement about who we are and about our passions. Art should be touched and experienced and Burnt Offerings are created for just that purpose. Pyrography, scrimshaw on wood or woodburning, as an art form is timeless and yet very unique. Our ancestors used burnt wood (charcoal) to depict their everyday lives on cave walls before there were other media.
Today, my Burnt Offerings still utilize heat and wood to create unique and “one of a kind” artwork. The use of Birch wood with its tight grain, allows for intricate and extensive detail and texture. The marriage of the two mediums, pyrography and acrylic wash, greatly enhance the creation allowing you to touch the scales of a bass striking a plug, feel the plumage of a preening bird or touch the rocks beneath a wave washed lighthouse. Unlike many woodburning pieces, my work tends to be of a larger size, with most pieces being 12 x 24 to 18 x 24 with larger pieces available making them ideal for main wall hangings.”